Proposed Prospect Hill, NC Quarry - Carolina Sunrock
The residents surrounding Prospect Hill, NC have joined together to voice their strong opposition against a quarry being planned in their quiet, rural community. Over 200 community members from Caswell, Person and Orange Counties filled the Caswell County Courtroom during the NCDEQ permit hearing on November 4th, 2019- around 70 of whom spoke late into the evening during the more than 3 hour meeting. Of those, a 92 year old WWII veteran voiced his concerns of how the quarry would impact the health and business of his family, neighbors and fellow farmers. He and many others spoke against the noise, dust and traffic that would forever change the serene setting of their peaceful country and ruin hundreds of acres of prime farmland.
Nearly all who spoke shared concern over surface and groundwater contamination and/or diversion. Blasting and digging would occur as deep as 550 feet, well below the depth of the 71 surrounding private wells. The proposed site also lies under 1,000 feet from South Hyco Creek and Roxboro Lake, the headwaters and supplemental drinking water source for more than 8,000 residents. The site would hold more than 192,000 gallons of used oil, fuel and other chemicals along with a maintenance area for equipment. Excess waste and storm water would be released into the local surface water, along with any on site contaminants and debris within it.
Please support this rural community in their efforts to keep their land quiet, clean and beautiful
by signing their petition below.
The Honorable Roy Cooper, Governor of North Carolina
North Carolina Office of the Governor
20301 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27669-0301
and via Hand Delivery
Dear Governor Cooper,
The undersigned, a diverse coalition of family farmers, environmentalists, present and former elected officials, faith leaders, health care workers, concerned citizens and parents of the next generation, request that the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) deny the permit for the Carolina Sunrock LLC's application for a mining permit for a crushed stone quarry in Prospect Hill.
The proposed location of the quarry defies any logic as it would destroy, defile and disrupt the family farm lifestyle that has prevailed in this pristine area of our state for generations. This quarry would destroy, defile and disrupt the water quality, aquatic life and wildlife that has coexisted and supported this ecosystem for centuries. The proposed quarry site occupies three out of four tributaries that produce an unspoiled lake that provides a clean drinking water source for the Town of Roxboro. The proposed quarry site will jeopardize the drinking water and water tables that supply the area wells undermining the very genesis of this area's ecosystem and all that depend on it.
The November 4 public hearing produced a standing room only crowd of around two hundred who filled the Caswell County Courthouse. The public hearing lasted more than four hours and was an example of how democracy allows the many voices of the community to unite. The community along with a diverse coalition of allies was united in an effort to preserve the resources that support a sustainable way of life. This democratic process allowed the voices of many to have an equal voice to the well-funded single voice of the proposed quarry that is intent on bankrupting and endangering the family farm lifestyle and lives of many in the community by wasting the resources and environment that supported this community for centuries.
We strongly encourage you to continue to stand by your words that "giving one industry special treatment of its neighbors is unfair." Your statement of "allow(ing) generations of families to enjoy their homes and land without fear for their health and safety" applies in this case just as it did in your 2018 veto statement of a pro industry bill. Please use the same quoted statements as encouragement for NCDEQ to deny this particular Carolina Sunrock mining permit as the undersigned has submitted ample evidence, as required by N.C.G.S 74-51 d) 1-7.
Action Petitioned For: We the undersigned are concerned citizens who urge Gov. Roy Cooper to act now to encourage NCDEQ to deny this particular Carolina Sunrock LLC mining permit as the undersigned has submitted ample evidence as required by N.C.G.S. 74-51 d) 1-7.
This petition has ended but you can still help! Call the number below to express your concern for our residents and environment if the Carolina Sunrock quarry is built in Prospect Hill, NC.
Judy Wehner
(919) 707-9220
Assistant State Mining Specialist
Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources