Tell Duke Energy:
NO Nuclear at Belews Lake.
Sign our Petition
The Dan River and its tributaries are a pillar for all surrounding communities, wildlife, and economies. We must prioritize actions that improve or contribute to our rivers' health. Nuclear energy is another step away from safer, cheaper, and more sustainable energy sources. We must not provide the opportunity for radioactive contamination of Belews Lake or the Dan River watershed.
Radioactive contamination of the Dan River would endanger thousands of peoples' drinking water, our wildlife, and the health of all who enjoy these waters. Local economies that rely on river recreation would be devastated. Life as we have known it would be changed forever.
A few reasons you should read and sign our petition to keep nuclear away from Belews Lake:
Planning-to-operation (PTO) time of a nuclear facility would likely be several decades. (most Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) figures factor about 5.75 years for construction. This skews the resulting estimated cost/comparison figures to seem more favorable to consumers, municipalities, and permitting agencies.)
The cost of construction (which consumers like you will pay for) does not include many other factors, such as costs of storing nuclear/radioactive waste from nuclear power stations
Nuclear energy does nothing to reduce carbon emissions in the decades-long process of construction. Our climate, environment and its inhabitants need action now to move away from fossil fuels.
Nuclear energy is not 'green', it is not renewable or sustainable. Uranium is a finite resource on this planet just like oil and fracked gas. This is just another ploy to place profit over people and our future on this planet.
Consumed fuel rods would likley be stored on site (Belews Lake facility) and must be maintained / funded for 200,000 years. Again, consumers like you would pay the bill.
There is no proof that nuclear energy at Belews Lake will lower your energy costs. Residents over 45 years of age may not even live long enough to see the potential facility come online.
Read and sign our petition here.